Sunday, June 10, 2012

Posters for the show

We had a school wide competition for creating a Lion King Poster for our show. The Second grade and the Kindergarten classes were competing. Check out the competition. The two first Prize winners received a sketch pad, colored pencils and they will see their poster blown up for the day of the show.

 K semifinalist- love the volcano and Pride Rock.

  K semifinalist

 K semifinalist

 2nd Grade Semifinalists

And the winners are....

Kindergarten Winner!

2nd Grade Winner!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lion King Preparation 2nd grade

Second graders have been working giant paper puppets. Puppeteers will hold the puppets and walk through the aisles with them during the Lion King Performance.

Check out the construction process....

Day 1: We voted on the animals we wanted to make (as much as I tried to steer the class to make an elephant, everyone either wanted to do a Hyena, Lion, or Cheetah) and then painted the oak tag accordingly.  

Day 2: We drew and cut out the limbs. Each table got a different limb (head, leg, tail, neck.) This required a lot of collaboration. 

Day 3-4: Decorating, adding tissue paper, sequins, raffia. So much fun!

Day 5: Add supports, handles and connect the puppets with brass fasteners. 

Final Results! Check back in for updates from the day of the show. We have 8 puppets in total!

Lion King Preparation 1st Grade

 First grade classes are making masks for the show. Some classes are making Hyenas, some are making lions, and some students are making what they want to make. 

We can't get enough Raffia!

 Adding papier mache noses...

 A little paint to the mix...

Lion King- preparation Kindergarten

 The Art Studio has turned into a jungle as we prepare for our Lion King Show this June 22nd. Second grade classes are making giant paper puppets, first graders are making masks and wristbands, and the Kindergarteners are making a giant sun for the background. We have been very busy in the art studio.

Take a peak at the work in progress and how it develops.

 A raffia explosion: Here Kindergarteners began the construction of the giant sun. Each table painted a giant piece of paper red. We then glued raffia to it to give it a little texture, and glitter to give it a little glow. 

We added newspaper to the back of the paper to give it a little extra support.

Kindergarteners also created animal prints for the performers to wear during the show. We are going to cut the prints up and put them around the performers heads and wrists....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Van Gogh Flowers!

 After we made our flower paintings we created backgrounds the same way Van Gogh did, with two colors. We mixed the colors using primary colors, and a little white. Then we cute out our water color flowers, glued them tot he background, and added our rhythm and movement lines over the top with oil pastel. Take a look at our final projects.


Van Gogh's Sun Flowers: Still Life study

Step 2: Once we knew how to make rhythm and movement lines, we used our artist eyes to study the flowers at our desks. We used the crayons to make the rhythm lines. We colored them in with water colors.