Thursday, October 20, 2011

Secondary Colors with Kindergarten

In Kindergarten we learned about secondary colors by mixing watercolors. We studied the purple fabric, orange pumpkin and green squash very carefully with our artist eyes. We made observations about shape and texture and recorded those observations in our drawings.

Secondary Colors: 1st and 2nd Grade Color Wheels

We conducted an experiment where we mixed primary colors together. After observing the results we learned that when you mix two primary colors together you get secondary colors. After that we made color wheels.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Second grade's Piet Mondrian Shoe

Primary Colors: First grade's Mondrian Maps

Primary colors with Piet Mondrian

After a presentation about Piet Mondrian students in kindergarten, first grade and second grade created projects inspired by his color scheme and grid composition.

In Kindergarten we created grids just like Piet Mondrian. Then we colored them in using primary colors.